Whether you are current, in foreclosure or about to go late on your mortgage, we can help you find a solution that works for you.
Our organization has helped many homeowners in the same or similar situation as you.
Every day we hear how frustrated homeowners are when they try to communicate with their own lender. In most cases, you are stuck at the customer service level and are led to believe you have little or no options.
Over the last couple of years Banks have been aggressively approving short sales to prevent foreclosures and experts say they will continue. Some Lenders are offering financial incentives for homeowners to “walk away” from their home and the debt they owe.
We will assist you in the short sale process - there are never any out of pocket costs or fees to you.
Call us at 1-866-306-2115, available 7 days a week
There are never any out of pocket costs to you, you are never under any obligation to an expert if they help you.
A property that sells for less than the balance that is owed on the mortgage.
What is a short sale? A real estate short sale is when your mortgage bank agrees to take less than what is currently owed on the unpaid balance. A short sale can provide mutual benefits for both the homeowner and the bank because it helps both parties avoid foreclosure. (short sale definition) One of the reasons banks are aggressively allowing people to short sale their homes are because of programs like the Making Homes Affordable Program otherwise known as HAFA. The HAFA Program which is set to expire. provides many benefits to homeowners who are trying to short sale.
To learn more about this cash incentive program…. Call now and speak to us so we can explain more. Of course, all calls are confidential and our team is made up of industry professionals who are only paid by the bank upon the completion of a successful short sale so you are never under any obligation to get help or your questions answered. We have helped thousands of homeowners just like you.
Benefits of a HAFA short sale include: Cash Incentives, No Deficiency, Foreclosure Protection
We will help you understand the short sale process, how to avoid foreclosure and how to find out what cash incentives you may qualify for.
Note: By short selling instead of being foreclosed on, you may be eligible to buy a new home within 2 years instead of 7 according to Fannie Mae
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